HP Quality Center Test Run Progress Report 
The Test Run Progress report is the ultimate at-a-glance dashboard for your test suite execution. View count of executed tests across customizable time periods with text, bar-graphs and pie-charts. The data can also be exported to many standard document formats for easy inclusion with status reports.
It’s been said, “No man is an island.” No one team within that greater whole of software product development is even remotely island-shaped, either. No matter who I am there are those upon whom I rely, and who place their trust in me. An important lesson, learned too often under unpleasant circumstances by many of us. Don’t fall into the same trap as many of your colleagues – you can communicate your group’s progress early, often, and in as great detail as you need.
The Test Run Progress report offers a great deal of power and flexibility in a deceptively-simple package. Just choose any custom period of time (days, weeks, months, etc.) and start/end dates and you have yourself an easy-to-read indicator of testing progress across the entire product, including: test case counts, percentage of unique test cases covered by these tests over time, as well as the status of the last run. If you want more detail, there are a total of 12 configurable parameters, adjusting levels of detail, depth of information, and more!
Numbers are all well and good, but this report can do even more. Remember how there are no islands in software development? Anyone from other managers, to team members, to executives looking for a quick timeline of your progress can use this report with ease. Two words: Graphical summaries. Take your data, aggregate it to its most concise forms, and let everyone have a look. And would you believe this report isn’t done being useful? The same qualities that make the Test Run Progress report useful for at-a-glance summaries in your everyday progress-tracking duties will make this one of your best tools for executive summaries, meetings, and e-mail distribution lists to all concerned parties. This report can go anywhere due to exporting functionality and do it all in a number of formats suited to the common office tools.
The Test Run Progress report is included in our Free HP Quality Center Report pack:
The report can be exported to multiple formats as well as printed by using the Microsoft RSClient add-ons that significantly improves web-browser printing capabilities:
The Test Run Progress report has 12 parameters. Four of them are visible by default. It is easy to hide some parameters, make them visible to the report users or adjust the default values:
The Test Run Progress Report is shown as an email in Microsoft Outlook:
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